Woke up this morning and my whole body felt like lead.
I was exhausted..from what? Nothing. From breathing. Trying at least.
Every day this past week that I have woken up I have felt worse than the night before. Every night it has been harder to sleep due to coughing spells. I'm trying to stay positive and keep on going, but this morning I really didn't want to get out of bed. Of course, that wasn't an option. Treatments, pills. Same old routine. So yeah, not such a great morning, bbuuuut it did improve through-out the day. Took my brother to get his shots and saw a huge bulletin about CF and it put a smile on my face. Not very often do you see CF awareness, especially in small towns. I also got to see one of my best friends. It's always good to see her, no matter how I'm feeling. I sometimes don't like to be around people when I'm not feeling all that well, but she has been there at my worst. For example, in December when I was in pretty rough shape, she came over and sat on the couch with me. We didn't have to be out doing anything, and I knew she didn't mind. It's great to have people like that. We went to one of our favorite gasstations and got slushie Mountain Dews and peanut M&Ms. Yumm.
She came over and we talked about tattoos, people, and maybe someday, if we become motivated enough, getting together and doing extreme workouts everyday.
She eventually left because she has a fire-department meeting. She's kick ass and has unbelievable determination. She's working on becoming an EMT and volunteers on ride-alongs and the fire-department. She did a CF walk for me last year and is doing another this year. She's been working extremely hard to pull it off. I give her tons of kudos.
Since she left I haven't really been doing much. Just laying around my living room and taking pictures with my webcam.
Why not, right? It's pretty chill at my house right now.
Let's hope I don't wake up tomorrow feeling worse :)
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