I know it's not necessarily their fault that they don't know me like the other nurses. Most student nurses treat me like a 5 year old. The one I have today sat and watched me take my pills which instantly sets me off. I've been doing this for almost 18 years lady..I'm gonna take my pills! Then she was trying to strike up conversation while I was doing my nebulizer..really? I thought the whole point of me doing a nebulizer was to sit there and breathe it all in. And theeennn she asked me if I was going to order breakfast and I said I wasn't sure and she said "well. just let us know when you do so you can take your creon." For those of you that don't know, creon are pills that I take right before I eat to help absorb my food. She kept telling me I needed to take them. I don't have a certain time I have to eat. Oh boy..and the day has only just begun.
I have PFTs (Pulmonary Function Tests) later today to see where I'm at. I'm feeling sort of better. I'm still coughing like crazy, getting easily short of breath, and my o2 levels haven't been as high as they should be. I've been on and off oxygen. Luckily I've been fever free though!
I'm still not sure how much longer I'll be here...Its only been two days, so probably a week at the least.
I feel like doing something creative..reading, writing a poem, drawing...something..soo till next time
With love,

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